BIH – 1 Monat in Bosna i Hercegovina

Our first real boarder crossing happened without any problems, 3 different controls from the croatian and bosnian boarder officer and then we where in Bosnia.

Wochenendstau an der Grenze nach Bosnien
End of week traffic jam on the boarder to Bosnia

Directly after the boarder we had a break in a small town called Novi Gorad including a walk through the centre and our first Cokta in a bar next to the river.

Novia Grad, schön gelegen an der Una und Sana
Novia Grad, town next to the rivers Una and Sana

Then we drove on looking for a place for the night, which wasn`t that easy. as the settlements are quite tight.

The next day we drove to Banja Luka, where we finally found the first big market and enjoyed a fresh, tasty Burek.

Ausblick von der Burg über Banja Luka
View from the castle over Banja Luka

Towards midday we drove to the north of Bosnia, to Sitneši, where we passed our next weeks on a farm.

Farm Dona, unser Zuhause für einen Monat
Farm Dona, our home for one month

On our trip we have planned to stay longer on one place and if possible to work for local people for free food. One possibility is helpex, which we used for the first time in Bosnia. The place was a small farm, where next to our host parents Nenad and Snjeza lived other volunteers, as well as different animals like dogs, cats, horses, chicken and pigs. It was never boring, as there where many different duties. Next to cooking, baking and feeding the animals, we helped to build a part of a new fence and a patio and making hay. In return we got heaps of very good bosnian food, horse riding lessons, rides to the forrest with the horses and fun with the animals and all our living mates.

Herstellen von 4 kg Nudel
Making 4 kg of fresh noodles
Bau des Zaunes für die Pferdekoppel
Building the new fence for the horses
Vorbereiten von Birnen für frische Konfitüre und Saft
Preparing pears for fresh jam and juice
Johannes auf der Pferdekoppel mit dem G
Johannes driving a G-Wagon
Johannes beim Erweitern des Pferdepools
Johannes deepening the pool for the horses
Die Crew nach der Betonage der Veranda vor dem Helferhäuschen
The crew after concreting the patio
Johannes beim Heu zusammen nehmen
Johannes making hay
Wutschka, unser Lieblingshund
Wutschka, our favorite dog
Mamma Budda und Tommy am Kuscheln
Mamma Budda and Tommy kuddeling
Johannes mit der Schmusekatze Garfield
Johannes with the lap cat Garfield

End of august we unfortunately had to say goodbye, which wasn`t easy, but we wanted to meet our friends in Croatia. After exactly one month we left Dona Farm. Along the northern boarder to Croatia we drove back to Novi Gorad (start of our trip in Bosnia) and further on through a nice canyon with the river Una to Bihać, where we passed the boarder to croatia.

Schlucht Una, Grenze von Bosnien und Kroatien
Canyon Una,boarder of Bosnia and Croatia

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