Some like this – others like that – WE like this!!!!!

After our trip to Turkey and the nice way back to Georgia, it was time to keep a promise. We went to the two monks, which we met in December on our way to Tbilisi, to help them in their camp.

Das Areal ist wundervoll - hier der Parkplatz für nur wenige Fahrzeuge
The area is beautiful – here the parking space
Es umfasst neben mehreren angelegten Bächen auch vier Seen in dieser Größe
There are a few streams and four lakes of this size
Vor den zwei Wohnhäusern befindet sich einer davon ...
One of the lakes is in front of the two living houses
Eine Überdachung die zum Speisen, Schrauben, Filmschauen oder für was auch immer genutzt wird - im grünen eingebettet
A shelter serving for eating, repairing machines, watching movies or doing other things – surrounded by trees and plants
Angelegte Wege schlängelt sich durch das Gelände und bieten viele schöne Plätzchen um die Seele baumeln zu lassen
Everywhere small paths and nice places for enjoying and spending time

We informed Merhab beforehand, that we intended to come. As we did not get an answer, we just passed by and found many people in the camp. There was a leadership training going on, for the leaders of the summer camps.

Die Gruppe - Links Edler der Schrauber und Allrounder daneben Merhab zuständig für Diskussionen und ist überall einsetzbar!!
The group – on the right side Eldar the mechanic and handyman, next to him Merhab, responsible for the discussions and doing all sort of works on the camp!!

For explanation: The camp belongs to a christian institution, which gets supported from Canadians. During summer, there are different camps for children and teenagers – all with a christian background, but all religions are welcome.

Die Ziegen die jeden Tag gute frische Milch liefern
The goats, giving everyday fresh milk
Die Lieblinge von Theres
Theres’s favourits
Und der Bock - Dionysos - Kämpft gerne mit den Männern - ist ja sonst auch keiner da!!!
The boss of the group – Dionysos – likes to fight against men
Und auch zwei Neugeborene entschieden sich während unserem Aufenthalt das Licht zu erblicken
Two baby goats were born during our stay

That the church is behind this project, did not bother us. We came to help the two monks, which have been generous to us last December and we promised them to come back. So we spent the week with them and Nika, Eldars nephew.

The reunion was a bit strange, as Merhab was surprised seeing us, as he had not read our message. But as soon as he talked to the leader of the camp, it was not a problem, that we stayed there and Merhab and Eldar finally were happy to see us again.

Die Fleissigen - Nina und Theres beim zusammenbauen von Wabenträgern für die Bienenkästen
The hard-working ones – Nika and Theres building a part for the bee boxes
Und hier wird der Honig abgeholt
The honey gets collected
Und auch gleich geschleudert und verkostet - MHHHHHH
And instantly skidded and tasted – MHHHHHHM
Auch ein Pferd gehört dazu - das wir mehrere Male einfangen mussten
A horse was as well part of the team – and had to get caught several times

The first day we did not have to do a thing, as the leadership camp was still on and they had a chief. We got welcomed with coffee and cake and afterwards we enjoyed a nice dinner. As it was the last day of the camp, they made a special show with sketches, movies and singing – all in Georgian.
The next day started after the morning prays at 10 am with a huge breakfast. Then we walked with Merhab around the area to see what the works could be for the next days:

- cutting trees

- weeding and cutting grass

- repairing machines

- painting trees

- painting flower buckets

- and and and ...

As the weather was not that good in the beginning, we started with repairing the chainsaw and the grass cutter. As they were very dirty (it looked like they had never been cleaned before, neither was a revision made), we took everything apart and started cleaning. First the chainsaw and then out of two we made one grass cutter. After 2 day everything was running again, together in the team with Nika we found the problems.

Hier war die Motorsense dran
Repairing the grass cutter
Hier der Generator - in Georgien anscheinend ein gängiges Modell mit gängigen Defekten
Here the generator – a well established model in Georgia, always having the same problems

Thats how the days passed, working was pretty relaxed and the weather became every day better and better. We cooked every day fresh meals and enjoyed the home made wine. Everyday friends and neighbors joined for meals, for the praying or for playing basketball in the evening. After a few days we knew all the people living in the area and all knew us. We learnt, that the people here help each other a lot, which makes a nice living environment. All together, we decided to prepare a party for the friends and neighbors on the upcoming Sunday. Food and drinks got organized, we baked bread and cake and prepared different salads. All were happy about the invitation and even more about the food and the cognac. Unfortunately, Johannes had a small handicap, as two days before Loma, the house bear (dog) was angry and defended his old bread, on which he was laying and bite Johannes in his ankle!!! AUA – it was not good for both, as Loma got punished and Johannes was in pain.

In der großen Küche verbrachten wir viel Zeit mit Diskussionen und gutem Essen
In the big kitchen we spent a lot of time with eating and discussing
Vorbereitungen für die Sause
Preparation for the party
Die Aussenküche welche mit Holz befeuert wird - es wurde Brot gebacken für das Fest
The outdoor kitchen, where we made bread
So sah es dann Abends aus - alle waren satt und glücklich
Thats how it looked like on the party – everybody was full and happy

Nevertheless we had a good week all together and we enjoyed the relaxed Georgian community, many fresh and homemade meals and we were able to help our friends a bit.

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